Certificate No. UIT1149
Improve your IT credibility and professional development by enrolling in a CyberWerx Academy™ course!
CyberWerx Academy™ offers five days of test preparation and course materials designed to facilitate a fun and productive learning experience from an industry-leading instructor.
Tests and equips your cybersecurity workforce to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from APTs and counter their tactics so the business and mission can survive.
Protect your employees and business operations from problematic security concerns from internal and external threats
CyberWerx Academy™ customizes the student learning experience with tailored and operationalized one-day to six-month individual and team training packages
CyberWerx® offers consulting services designed to provide short-term subject matter expertise in any cyber security or organizational resillience area of need
Rent classroom and training space for table-top exercises, wargaming, or off-site training and meetings
Engineer, deploy, and manage on-premises, cloud, and hybrid range solutions with tailored curriculum and tools developed for your mission requirements
Certificate No. UIT1149
Certificate No. UIT1148
Certificate No. US4504
Appraisal # 64432
Delivery Partner